Glass Under My Skin

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Comics I bought 3/23/06

Back to you with my report from the comic shop. This week I got Rex Mundi #17, Red Sonja #8 and another on sale trade paperback "Deep Sleeper" by Hester and Huddleston. It is published by Image and is categorized as horror. I'll let you know how it is.


  • Spider-Man Tangled Web trades 2 and 3
    Daughters of the Dragon 3
    -somehow I don't think a bounty hunter like Misty Knight really would have a 'fro that big...would be a real liability in a fight
    Robin 148
    -actually some nice Chaykin art, despite the ridiculous "headlights" cover
    JSA Classified 10
    -since its classified, I can't talk about it
    American Way 2
    -I usually hate "everything you know is wrong" stories, which is one reason why I'm sick of Grant Morrison. But at least this one doesn't do it with long established characters.
    Batman 651
    -I've been a fan of James Robinson since "The Golden Age" and "Starman"
    X-Factor 5
    -I've been a long time Peter David fan too, but these book long conversation vignette stories he been doing lately where not a lot happens are just putting me to sleep. Jared's had the same problem with the Ultimate books, and I thinking about dropping them as well.
    Exiles 78
    -Always a fun book. It fills my need for dimension hopping fiction since "Sliders" is never coming back on the air.
    Amazing Spider-Man 530
    -The new costume is just dumb. It looks like he's wearing spats. And what does he do with the shiny metal wrist bracers when he's wearing his civies?
    Captain America 16
    New Avengers 17
    Nextwave 3
    She-Hulk 6
    Supreme Power:Hyperion 5
    Squadron Supreme 5
    -no longer a MAX title, so sorry kids, no more issues featuring naked Wonder Woman
    Supergirl and the LSH 16
    Testament 4
    Ultimate FF 28
    -Greg Land does draw a really hot Invisible Girl, I must say.
    Eddie Murr: One Beer Later 52

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:12 PM  

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