Glass Under My Skin

Friday, March 03, 2006

Comics I Bought This Week

Just back from the shop and this week I got: Strangers in Paradise #80, Local #4, Red Sonja #7, Jonah Hex #5, Ex Machina #18, and XIII #2. That last one is based on some old video game and looks like it was published in a different format originally. The first issue stared a guy who was modeled after Lee Marvin (I just checked the Lee Marvin comic was a different one not XIII but I can't remember its name).
The disappointments from last weeks books were the two first issues I picked up. Warlord was typical of modern origin issues because nothing happened. And The Portent was pretty but nothing happened and it was not well written.


  • let's see...since John wants to know...

    Aquaman 40
    Batman Annual 25
    Ex Machina 18
    Fallen Angel 3
    F'in Spider-Man 5
    GL Corps 5
    JSA 83
    JLU 19
    Marvel Team Up 18
    Marvel Zombies 4
    Nextwave 2
    New Excalibur 5
    Outsiders 34
    Ultimates 2 10
    Uncanny X-Men 470
    X-Factor 4
    X-Men The End 3
    Y 43
    Detective 817
    Adventures of Superman 649
    Daughters of the Dragon One Shot, 1-3
    Testament 1-3
    Infinite Crisis 5
    Lil' Eddie Murr in Trouble Again #250
    Chain Smoking Artists in the Backyard #20


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 8:04 PM  

  • It's about time Rob chimed in! Here's mine, better late than never:

    Green Lantern Corps #5
    Good conclusion to a good miniseries. If they do a regular series, I hope they don't screw it up. Alas, they probably will.

    Jonah Hex #5
    Tony Dezuniga returns to his roots. The guy can still draw. Cool. Great book.

    Fear Agent #3
    It's a shame this book is so irregular, because it's excellent. My current favorite. What's with comics today? Get your damn books out on time!!

    Marvel Zombies #4
    The stupid just gets stupiderer. Entertaining as hell. Just check your brain at the door as this book is dumber than the Cap-Wolf saga. Hey Jared, didn't you ask the late, great Mark Gruenwald what was up with that before he died? What was his explanation?

    War Of The Worlds: Second Wave #1
    This book spends the whole first ish recounting what happened in the original story. Hello!?! We know what happened. Get to the new story, muthafuckas! Either way, I won't bother with issue 2 as neither the art or story is worth coming back for.

    Batman: Secrets #1
    Sam Keith gets all wacky with the Joker, a character just happens to lend himself to wackiness. Whatever. The art's nice. The story is just OK. I'll pick up issue 2 if I remember and nothing else is on the stands. If not, oh well...

    Hellboy: Makoma #2
    Super duper art from Richard Corben and Mignola. The story did nothing for me, though. I'll still continue getting any new Hellboy books, as everyone's allowed an off-day. Even Mignola.

    Fallen Angel #3
    This is a fun book. There's sex and violence and it's well written and beautifully drawn. Pick it up, kids!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 8:30 PM  

  • I forgot Corben was doing some Hellboy stuff. I'll have to look for it. His Bigfot series was really good.

    By Blogger Jared, At 8:50 PM  

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