Glass Under My Skin

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Comics I Bought This Week 3/15/06

I took an early trip to the comic shop this week and I got three comics: Walking Dead #26, Conan #26 and Conan: Book of Thoth #1.

It seems like every other book I've been buying lately has been Conan or Red Sonja. The Conan: BOT #1 is by Busiek, Wein and Kelley Jones so it should be good. I passed on the first issue of the new Red Sonja mini series where she teams with Claw the Unconquered. Who green lighted that one? If you don't know who Claw is keep it that way. There is no reason too know.

Walking Dead has been consistently good.


  • Light week for me, too.

    I, too, got "Walking Dead". It is a good book, but it's a bit whiney sometimes for my taste. I wanna see more of the fun, lighthearted aspects of a world destroyed by the living dead.

    Also got:
    "Angel: Old friends" #3. I liked Buffy and Angel on TV. This book, though it has very average art, is written well enough.

    By the way, I didn't pick up "Spike vs Dracula" as the last Spike comic was abysmalally bad.

    "Batman: Year 100" #2
    It's really not that good, but there was nothing else that even remotely interested me.

    Lousy week again. Bummer.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10:44 PM  

  • I refuse to buy any "Vs. Dracula" book (and there are a lot of them from King Arthur to Pocky-Lips) until he takes on George Washington. That is the matchup I want to see.

    By Blogger Jared, At 8:11 AM  

  • Well, I got my Joisey tax refund so I splurged a little:

    Ultimate Extinction 3
    Superman/Shazam 4
    -good story, but the ending had this weird pedophile vibe at the end for a couple of panels when Clark Kent starts unbuttoning his shirt in front of a wide eyed Billy Batson
    Bulleteer 4
    -I may not even bother with the rest of Seven Soldiers
    Infinite Crisis Secret Files
    -some really nice Jerry Ordway art here
    Spider Woman Origin 4
    Ultimate X-Men 68
    Walking Dead 26
    -I agree, this book is great
    Superman 650
    Runaways 14
    Majestic 15
    F'n Spider-Man 6
    -I'm guessing the new costume is just easier to draw.
    Fury 2
    Green Arrow 60
    JLA Classified 18
    Marvel Knights 4
    -good book as long as Aguirre-Sacasa doesn't write himself into the story anymore (it was dumb when Bates and Maggin did it in the 70's too)
    Annihilation Prologue 1
    -guess Marvel finally looked up what the "decimation" really means
    and realized its not as bad as it sounds
    DMZ 5
    Teen Titans Annual 1
    -I always liked annuals, I'm glad they're bringing them back
    Birds of Prey 92
    The House on the Borderland
    -even if it sucks, still plenty of great Richard Corben art
    Spider-Man's Tangled Web trade Vol.1
    The Authority - Human on the Inside
    -I've liked the Authority since Jared turned me on to them a few years back, but I still find the characters of Apollo and Midnighter (a.k.a. gay Superman and Batman) to be irritating. It was entertaining when Rick Veitch originated the idea with "Brat Pack" back in the early 90's, but now its just cliched.
    And finally:
    Mr. Wrong, Director of Human Resources 37


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:29 PM  

  • "...-I may not even bother with the rest of Seven Soldiers"

    I gave up with them after the first issues. They were all uniformly AWFUL. It's like each book was competing to be worse than the next.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:39 PM  

  • Apollo and Midnighter annoy me too. If they were two original gay characters I would have no problem. But since they are supposed to be Supes and Bats that just makes them one big gay joke. Ha ha look Batman and Superman are gay ha ha. And it's the same joke issue after issue. Tiresome.

    By Blogger Jared, At 8:00 PM  

  • So if Gay Superman cornholes a regular human man, does his load shoot out through said fruit's stomach? Could make for a mighty frustrating gay existence.

    Inquiring mind want to know.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10:32 AM  

  • C'mon, that's just the old Superman Lois Lane question reworded for a gay Superman. I expect better of you.

    By Blogger Jared, At 1:52 PM  

  • Perhaps. But the dilemma still applies. Now Gay Batman is a whole other issue...

    Does he make his young ward a young latino boy and have the time of his life? Or does he choose an icky girl to deflect suspicion of his secret identity?

    What does the world think?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 2:52 PM  

  • Midnighter doesn't have a kid sidekick. He's got Apollo.That's the whole point Get with the program you are going far astray into your own fantasy life...
    And it's not a dilemma it's a problem. That's from the word police.
    Damn, the letter spacing is for crap on these comments.

    By Blogger Jared, At 3:52 PM  

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