Comics I Bought: January 18, 2007
Along with those three issues I went with one of my standbys on slow weeks: The new issue of Back Issue! magazine. It feature an interview with Jerry Ordway and hasn't failed yet to be an interesting read.
I've also been reading a book I got for Christmas (I got a lot of them). It's called "Art Out Of Time: Unknown Comic Visionaries 1900-1969". I'm about halfway through it an I am enjoying it a lot. So far my favorites are: "Herbie" (the only comic I have heard of in this book) a comic from the early 60s, "Slim Jim" a strip from 1914, and "White Boy" a strip from the 30s. I recommend it for people who like the offbeat and unknown.
And now Week Six of my reviews of recent DC Comics.
Firestorm 31-32 - The first issues of Firestorm that I have read in many years. The art is nice, the script is okay but the plot is a bit wonky. Issue 31 is the wrap up of a four part story. I jumped on easily without much confusion which is a sure sign of good storytelling. Unfortunately they also used that old saw bone "villain explains his plan to hero". And once again if the villain had just shut up his plan would have been accomplished. Sigh... Issue 32 was an epilogue to the story and I think a wrap up to the current creative teams run. It's New Years Eve and all the characters are trying to figure out a few things in their lives. Nothing you haven't seen before but solid. There were a few interesting character bits that stand out so check it out if super heroes are your thing.
Birds of Prey 99-100 - I haven't read many issues of this series but it's one of those comics I just don't understand. They're an all woman team. Why? I don't know why they just are. They organize themselves like an authoritarian government agency. Why? I don't know. They go on missions. Why? because Oracle tells them to. Why do they listen to her? I don't know. The whole concept seems so contrived to me and I can't get into the stories. The issues themselves were okay. The art is nice (three different artists on three different stories) the script okay but the plot is not good. Issue 99 is a character development issue and was pretty typical of such. Nothing wrong with it I just didn't care about the characters and this issue didn't make me care. The plot of issue 100 baffled me. Oracle puts together new team and breaks a girl out of a Mexican prison. It seems a perfect opportunity for being sneaky but instead they are really showy and super heroic. Why do you run your all-girl organization as a clandestine spy agency and then have them all dress in colored tights an cause explosions? I say again this book makes no sense to me. Check it out only if you can overlook all the stuff that I can't.
Have you picked up All Star Superman? I don't know what you think of Morrison and I usually don't like his stuff at all, but I'm still digging this story.
RandolphG, At
10:47 AM
"Why do you run your all-girl organization as a clandestine spy agency and then have them all dress in colored tights an cause explosions?"
Uh... because the fanboys need something to wank it to and colored tights on hot chicks with unnaturally large knockers are a superhero comic tradition. So are mindless plots and lots of explosions. To do anything else would be way too daring. There would be riots in the streets!!! Chaos would reign!!!!
Check out My reviews this week for some new books...
John Bligh, At
10:59 AM
Here is a quote from my review of The Authority #1 "I'm not a fan of Grant Morrison's writing. I don't think he is untalented. I just think his stories go nowhere. He never seems to have a point or ending in mind. That being said he is the master of the first issue. He can hit you with intriguing ideas and situations but by issue three or four he runs out of steam and the story peters out."
I bought the first issue of AS Supes and that was enough for me. I don't remember exaxtly why I didn't like it except for that dumb "Superman has ten days to live" (or whatever amount of time) part. Ask me to swallow that much BS right away and I say no. Sure they're gonna kill Superman...
Jared, At
12:42 PM
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